Quantum Wave Cosmology 2010
- Quantum Wave Cosmology 2010
- A brief introduction to energy as it is described in Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC)
- Preface to Quantum Wave Cosmology
- Physical Cosmology
- Early Universe
- Expanding Universe
- Structure Formation
- Components
- Time-line
- Experiments
- Scientists
- Particle Adventure
- General Relativity PDF
- Introduction to Quantum Wave Cosmology
- 1. What is Quantum Wave Cosmology?
- 2. What is a “personal cosmology”?
- 3. Why post your personal cosmology on the Internet?
- 4. Do you have a methodology?
- 5. "The universe has always existed"
- 6. Is there a distinction between pseudoscience and emerging science?
- 7. Science and the Supernatural
- I. Step One of QWC: The big crunch
- II. Step two of QWC: The formation and burst of a big crunch into an expanding arena like our own (Arena Action)
- III. Step three of QWC: The steps of speculation in the process of quantum action
- IV. Time in QWC
- V. Step four of QWC: Aether, Mass, and Gravity in QWC
- VI. Life in the QWC universe
- VII. Philosophy of QWC
- Glossary
- Index
A brief introduction to energy as it is described in Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC)
Space is infinite. Energy is infinite and fills all space. The universe has always existed. Life has always existed.
The energy commodity that occupies any given space has a characteristic called energy density. Energy density is the amount of the energy commodity in a given space divided by the space it occupies. The low end of the energy density scale is never zero because energy is an infinitely fine commodity that occupies all space; therefore every point in space has energy density. The high end of the scale tops out at a maximum energy density beyond which energy can not be further compressed; there can be no infinite energy density.
In QWC, an axiom or postulate is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or subject to necessary decision. Therefore, its truth is taken for granted in QWC, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths.
Preface to Quantum Wave Cosmology
The following are links that pertain to FLRW specifically and cosmology in general. I have followed and read an extensive list of links over my years of study and have familiarized myself with these links to my satisfaction. The following list of links is far from all inclusive, but I have spent much of my time on them and recommend them if you want a good layman’s understanding of FLRW, General Relativity, the standard cosmology referred to as Big Bang Theory with Inflation, the cosmological principle, physics and cosmology in general:
Physical Cosmology
Early Universe
Expanding Universe
Structure Formation
Time-line of cosmological theories
Future of an expanding universe
Of course this is only a partial list of pages and there are many more topics in general physics, quantum physics, particle physics and particularly the Standard Model of Particle Physics that I have read and followed.
Particle Adventure
General Relativity PDF
Of course the Internet today has more than enough references. I don't bother attributing the sources that have influenced my speculations aside from those listed and/or referred throughout the work. This is not intended to be a scientific document, scientific theory, model, or anything else other than my personal views developed over time and presented as a platform for collaborative update and for my own enjoyment. I share them for your contemplation and amusement.
Introduction to Quantum Wave Cosmology
1. What is Quantum Wave Cosmology?
Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) is my take on cosmology. "Quantum wave" emerged as the perfect phrase to describe this concept, whose evolution can be traced on the Internet from 2003 to the present. A suite of up-datable Google Docs provides a current version of QWC.
Quantum Wave Cosmology: Speculation about the Defeat of Entropy and the Eternal Nature of the Universe and Life
Quantum Wave Cosmology is speculation about things that science can never verify, i.e. an infinite past, a perpetual process that defeats entropy, and an eternity filled with hospitable environments in which life is generated and evolved to consciousness and self awareness, able to contemplate the purpose of life and of the universe itself.
The QWC version of cosmology speculates that the universe has always existed and is composed of infinite space that contains energy density. Nature is the set of invariant natural laws of physics where the landscape of the greater universe is composed of arenas, mass and gravity are forms of energy caused by quantum action, the defeat of entropy is accomplished by arena action, and those actions combine to provide for the perpetual generation of hospitable environments within which the natural generative and evolvative life processes operate. QWC speculates that intelligent life has always existed throughout the infinite universe and that given the proper environmental conditions will evolve to the point of self determined purpose of the individual, by the individual.
2. What is a “personal cosmology”?
I am not going to live forever and science has not yet even come to a consensus on the cause of the initial expansion of our observable universe, let alone the essential mechanics of mass and gravity. While I am still alive I want a physical picture of the universe in my mind, i.e. a personal description of the cosmology of the universe that science professionals do not even pretend to have, let alone one that they support or even condone. No one should believe that QWC is fact or science except to the degree ideas can be called emerging science, but if the answers were available through science then QWC would not exist. That is what a personal cosmology is about, one man’s personal ideas, speculations if you will, about the universe beyond the consensus of the professionals. It is a view that is collaborative, well thought out, and cannot be easily refuted.
3. Why post your personal cosmology on the Internet?
3.2 One overriding rule, all of QWC must be internally consistent, everything in the physical picture must work with everything else, and nothing can be inconsistent with real world facts and observations. I keep myself busy making sure that is the case.
4. Do you have a methodology?
4.1 Since this is my personal cosmology, I begin with concepts that are the basis of QWC as listed above:
Everything is composed of energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed
The universe is composed of energy
The universe was not created
There was no beginning
The universe has always existed
QWC does not engage in fantasy which employs a faulty methodology that would allow fantasy figures like faeries and fanciful landscapes made of cream cheese :). Also, I feel that it is appropriate to point out that these basic ideas do not invoke the supernatural though they do not preclude the existence of God. I do have a perspective on God which reconciles QWC with Pantheism if you see the possibility of God in an eternal universe; just not as a creator and not as the head of any particular dogma. I respect religions and religious people to the extend that they and their religions follow a basic common denominator that I look for in any particular religious group, particularly as to how they respect and treat others.
4.2 I start with no one’s theory, i.e. this is a bottom up approach that starts with the scientific consensus and adds speculation about the cause of the initial expansion of our observable universe (the Big Bang). This is an important point because to grasp QWC you have to leave existing and alternative theory behind in many respects that are pointed out in this document.
QWC is not a theory. I will develop the following ideas throughout this document. I start from what I personally consider to be the departure points where science leaves off on the Cosmology of the universe, i.e. Big Bang Theory with Inflation, General Relativity, the Cosmological Principle, all of which I refer to as the Standard Cosmology, and in particle physics the Standard Particle Model of Particle Physics. They leave off by falling short in three respects: what caused the initial expansion of our observable universe, what physically causes mass, and what physically causes gravity. In QWC, and in accord with the basic logic of QWC, space and time are not coupled, space is not being created as the universe expands, and the existence of energy and mass had no beginning and will have no end. In QWC entropy is defeated and the greater universe has always and will always provide a potentially infinite number of hospitable environments where life will be generated, will evolve, and may be adroit enough to to make timely leaps across space to new hospitable environments when necessary resulting in some lengthy heritages.
4.7 My view is that the universe works as it is. Everything is connected and consistent. If everything works and is connected then someone who knows the right physical picture and likes doing math will be able to describe it mathematically. Short of that there is no total physical picture, the math of the various competing theories does not work as a whole and therefore is wrong at least in some respect. I have no way of determining from among the various theories what is right and what is not, and if any of the math does not work with all of the other math then I consider it the responsibility of the physics and math professionals to sort it out. I consider it likely that the physical picture will precede the math and that the math can be made to describe the physical picture as it is developed.
4.8 The process of starting from the bottom up, after identifying the departure points, involves speculation. The speculation I use is reasonable and responsible step by step speculation connected to the departure point of scientific consensus
and developed and derived from the axioms of QWC.
4.10 One of my earliest threads at Yahoo back in 2003 (or so) was called, "I am wrong, and so are you". It is an amazing thought to some who aren't aware of the basic principle of "tentativeness" of science. Everything we hold dear can be turned upside down by advances in science. Observation and ideas precede most advances in science. I feel free to speculate about the future.
4.12 And one more point about methodology, I use a feature of Google at the present time to place documents on the Internet using the “publish a web page” feature. I make links to those pages available throughout my threads. If I change something after it is too late to modify my post on the forum, I still have the ability to change the Google.doc and the link to my blog will automatically reflect the changes.
5. "The universe has always existed"
6. Is there a distinction between pseudoscience and emerging science?
7. Science and the Supernatural
I. Step One of QWC: The big crunch
When I refer to the infinities of QWC I am talking about space, time, and energy; and in the QWC universe that has always existed, life too has always existed.
QWC is constructed on the very basis that the universe exists and did not come from nothing, therefore it has always existed.
This link, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse, discusses many models that accommodate the multiple arena concept and lead into the discussion of why QWC starts with the big crunch.
What was the cause of the initial expansion of our observable universe? I like the idea that (step 1) the Big Bang was preceded by a big crunch.
The reason that I use the big crunch alternative from the several major contenders for the eminent position of “before” the big bang is simple. Over a period of years I have been working from the bottom up. That means that I have brainstormed the cause of the initial expansion of our observable universe with people who frequent science forums, read many threads about the subject, done hundreds if not thousands of searches on many related topics, read pages on the subject of each search, and I personally have concluded that after all of the brainstorming and reading, the best answer is a big crunch.
Each new crunch that forms from those overlaps will itself reach a limit of energy density (detailed steps are included below) and burst into expansion.
II. Step two of QWC: The formation and burst of a big crunch into an expanding arena like our own (Arena Action)
The ideas for discussion are that at the arena level, there is a force and for every force there is a corresponding particle. The force is “arena action” and the particle is the “core” of the big crunch. The force and particle represent the large scale of QWC. The process of arena action compresses the matter and energy from the overlap space described in step I. until the mass is negated into one huge mass-less “energy particle”. That “energy particle” expands out of the burst of the dense state energy produced inside the big crunch to provide the dark energy from which all of the particles that make up our expanding arena are produced. The production of known particles is the result of expansion of the “core energy particle” and the subsequent decline of energy density of the ball of dark energy, i.e. decay of the mass-less core particle into dark matter occurs as the energy density of the expanding arena declines and reaches the threshold of matter formation density. That process is described in the next 36 steps.
2.1 Arenas begin with the overlap of two expanding arenas that have been expanding in space. A new arena then forms in the space where the overlap occurs and includes the galactic material and energy that occupies that space containing that overlap. This is a beginning point of a new arena wave (point 1 in the graphic below) which has two major characteristics; the collapse where the galactic matter from the overlap is compressed into the core of the big crunch, and the burst and expansion as the dense dark energy is released from the big crunch into expansion.
2.2 The “greater universe” is composed of a potentially infinite number of arenas similar to our own that expand and overlap.
The second phase of arena action deals with the nature of the big crunch.
2.4 A big crunch is composed of galactic matter, dark matter, electromagnetic radiation, and any other form of energy that existed in an overlap that collapses into an arena. As the transition between collapse and expansion occurs, gravity is replaced by dark energy as the driving force.
2.5 The acceleration of gravity causes heat and pressure within massive objects.
2.6 The arenas that have overlapped to form the big crunch each contained the matter and energy equivalent to a single big crunch and so when they overlap, only half of each parent arena is required to provide the full arena quantum of matter and energy for a new big crunch.
2.7 Galactic matter continues to accrete into the crunch increasing the internal heat and pressure. Heat and pressure translate to increasing energy density in the core of the big crunch, i.e. into the core particle.
2.8 There is a maximum energy density at which matter can function. Particles cease to function when that limit is reached. Particles that reach that limit are “negated” from matter to dense state energy. Dense state energy consists of the energy remnant of particles what have been compressed and negated by heat and pressure inside a big crunch.
2.9 All particles require sufficient space to function and the heat and pressure inside a big crunch deny the captured particles of matter from the overlap space the required space causing the captured matter to ceases to function.
2.10 Gravity is a function of mass and when captured particles are negated and cease to function, gravity ceases to emanate from the negated matter. The core of the big crunch accumulates the negated matter in the form of a growing core of dense state energy.
2.11 Dense state energy is under great pressure and has expansion potential that is contained by the gravity exerted by the matter that surrounds the core and that is continuing to accrete into the big crunch.
2.12 There is a maximum limit to the highest possible energy density and when that limit is reached in the core of negated matter, the heat and pressure are focused at the surface of the growing core. The growing compression no longer affects the core itself which has reached the maximum possible energy density necessary before the crunch can achieve critical capacity. As the core grows it accumulates more and more negated matter and when the negated matter in the core reaches critical capacity the failure of the crunch is assured.
Steps 2.4 - 2.12 represent the second phase in “arena action” called the high density phase. They bring us to the point where the highest possible energy density has been reached and that marks the point where the failure of the big crunch is assured to result in a big burst. Critical capacity has been assured. critical capacity is an arena quantum of matter and energy and when that capacity is accumulated in the crunch, the crunch has matured and its final stages make up the next phase in “arena action”, i.e. the burst. On the arena wave graphic above the point is marked at the center of the wave structure. This is the point of minimum volume of the new arena and the point where the core particle reaches the maximum possible energy density, i.e. the upper energy density limit of the universe.
2.13 The negated core of the crunch cannot collapse any further because it is already at the maximum energy density. The core exerts no gravity (see step 2.10) but the compression that maintains the crunch is still being fed by the accretion disk formed from the matter in the overlap space as it swirls into the crunch. The expansion potential energy is building up in the core of dense state energy and the size of the core is increasing.
2.14 These two processes, accretion and negation maintain control of the crunch because as the core grows, the gravity exerted by the crunch declines, and as the accretion continues the gravity remains sufficient to maintain the stability of the core until a breaking point is reached.
2.15 Equilibrium does not result because the ability of the crunch to increase the heat and pressure on the core is declining toward the threshold where it no longer is capable of negating matter into dense state energy. During this decline negation is taking place across a larger and large core surface at all times meaning that the negated core grows geometrically.
2.16 The growing core will decrease gravity faster than accretion can maintain it and at the same time the expansion potential of the dense state energy at the core grows at an increasing rate.
2.17 The crunch fails when the expansion potential of the core exceeds the compression of the surrounding un-negated matter in the big crunch. This is the center point of the arena wave form graphic above and the completion point of the arena particle represented by the core of the crunch.
Steps 2.13 – 2.17 represent the third phase of “arena action”. The big crunch has reached the bursting point.
Step 2.17 above is the point in the process that marks end of the formation of the trough of the arena wave that is produced by arena action. The crest of the wave occurs starting with the steps below related to the burst and the expansion of the arena.
The idea that this "particle" has no mass has to do with the property that gives matter weight when it is accelerated in a gravitational field. In the “core particle” there is no functioning matter and no gravity is exerted because gravity is a function of matter. There is no gravitational field acting on the core particle except for the heat and pressure exerted at the surface of the growing core because the core doesn’t feel gravity. On that basis it has no mass because matter has been negated into dense state energy.
Functionally the idea is that the crunch fails because gravity ceases when critical capacity is reached and when matter is negated at the core which then leads to the big burst. If the core has mass then the cause of the burst is wrong.
2.19 As the expanding ball of dark energy expands plasma is formed made up of the un-negated particles in the un-negated portion of the outer crunch and the accretion disk surrounding the crunch, and in the surrounding background matter and energy that fills all space.
2.20 As the burst of dense state energy rips through this environment it will cause tiny temperature perturbations in the form of pre-matter plasma in the expanding ball of dense dark energy.
Two concepts are introduced in the previous step:
The concept of dark energy has been introduced: Dark energy is expanding energy that emerges from the core of a big crunch when the burst in phase three of arena action occurs. The nature of dark energy is described throughout the steps that make up the remaining phases of arena action but it is essentially the cause of expansion momentum. Expansion momentum is imparted to matter as it forms and is transferred to particles and eventually to stars and galaxies as they form. Dark energy translates into the observation that galaxies are all moving away from each other because the tiniest particles that make up the stars and galaxies all had expansion momentum imparted to them as they formed .
The concept of pre-matter plasma is meant to distinguish between plasma that forms when matter is energized and the pre-matter plasma that forms from dark energy. Pre-matter plasma forms as acceleration and heat and pressure are declining from dense state of energy, a form of energy that contains no particles. It is the first “matter” that forms from the decay of the core energy particle. It is relatively cold when it forms because the temperature of the core particle is very low after all particles surrounding it have been negated by the force of potential expansion energy that has been released into expansion.
Steps 2.18 and 2.19 are the “burst” which is the fourth phase of “arena action”.
2.20 The dark energy at this point is too dense for matter to form but is expanding, supposedly at the speed of light.
2.21 Everything it encompasses as it expands has expansion energy imparted to it creating expanding plasma in the surrounding space as the dark energy expands and encompasses the matter and energy surrounding the crunch.
2.22 That plasma now exists within the expanding ball of dark energy and is the source of matter formation as the arena expands and the plasma cools.
2.23 There is an energy density reached in this expanding energy environment that is ideal for matter formation and matter forms almost simultaneously across the expanding plasma.
2.23 As matter forms in the expanding arena it has momentum as it forms. The momentum is imparted to it by the expansion of the dark energy and plasma within which it forms.
2.24 At the instant of abundant matter formation all matter is dark matter.
The concept of dark matter is introduced in that last step: Dark matter is initially connected in the form of the plasma that forms in the space surrounding the burst. It takes the form of dark matter at the point that the expansion has brought the arena to an energy density that accommodates abundant matter formation. That is when dark matter begins to display its most important characteristic; it exerts gravity.
These ideas combine to paint a physical picture of our expanding “universe” as an expanding arena wave that emerged from the burst of a big crunch. The early expansion of the dense dark energy would negate much of the matter in the accretion disk and the wave would take up that dense state energy from the negation of the surrounding matter into its expanding ball of dark energy. That would bring the arena to the first instants of the expansion profile. As the expanding ball of dense dark energy expands the energy density would go down exponentially. Soon the energy density would reach the threshold where matter formation can occur and where matter can function as mentioned in step 2.23.
Steps 2.20 – 2.24 represent the fifth phase of “arena action” between the burst and the onset of gravity emitted within the expanding arena.
The characteristic of gravity gives rise to action that is taking place starting with this phase of “arena action”. Gravity and mass are characteristics of a process called “quantum action” and the level of order where quantum action occurs comes into existence within an arena when the threshold of abundant matter formation occurs. Quantum action is addressed separately in step three within the set of ideas that make up Quantum Wave Cosmology. Quantum action is ongoing within arenas until overlaps form and until the matter in the overlaps collapses causing energy density to increase beyond the point where matter can function. The existence of matter throughout the overlap and collapse physically connects each arena to the past history of the greater universe. Each new crunch is composed of portions of two or more arenas that have been involved in the overlap.
2.25 Rapid expansion of this homogeneous ball of plasma causes small patches of dark matter to form that are destined to become pre-particles called dark matter. As soon as the pre-particles form they form focus points around their individual centers of gravity. As the patches take shape into individual pre-particle groups there is constant and consistent expansion occurring in the energy environment surrounding them.
2.26 The small groups begin to clump as gravity pulls them toward each other with more force than the expansion force of dark energy is able to overcome. The ball of dark energy has become an expanding ball of dark matter and that dark matter is clumping into pre-particles at an extremely high energy density. This prevailing energy density has declined to the threshold where matter can form as pre-particles.
2.27 The pre-particle patches of dark matter have expansion momentum while they clump together due to their gravity. The result is that the clumps are all moving away from each other but are at the same time attracted to each other by their gravity.
2.28 During this early period of matter formation the force of gravity is greater than the expansion momentum and the dark matter begins to form particles with new characteristics.
2.29 Particles with mass, charge, momentum and spin form and become the particles that are described in the standard particle model.
Discussion of the standard particle model is a point of connection between QWC and mainstream science. Much is written on the subject and QWC does not defend any mainstream theory because they are accepted and defended by those who support them.
2.30 As expansion continues and gravity causes larger and larger clumps, stars are formed across the entire arena. These are huge fast burning stars that are short lived but they leave huge temperature perturbations within the arena and those perturbations contain the energy equivalent of whole galaxies.
2.31 Stars from within this environment in much the same way as particles formed in the earlier and denser environment.
2.32 Galaxies form from these perturbations and because of the expansion momentum characteristic of all particles, the galaxies are all moving away from each other.
2.33 The formation of galaxies in the arena occurs after the first round of huge hot stars burn out, explode and create their lasting temperature imprint on the arena.
2.34 The galactic coordinate system of the arena is established and the distance between the galaxies, aside from local groups of galaxies, is increasing.
2.35 The rate of separation of galaxies in the coordinate system is accelerating because the expansion momentum of the galaxies now exceeds the gravitational attraction between galaxies. The acceleration is the observed effect of the inverse square rule as the distance between the galaxies increases.
Steps 2.25 to 2.36 represent the sixth phase of “arena action” where gravity and expansion moment carryout a struggle for supremacy, and where expansion moment wins until expansion is interrupted in such a way that gravity again gains control. Arena action is a perpetual process that connects each new arena to the history of the entire universe and produces new arenas to carry on the heritage.
The idea is that matter formation would significantly slow the rate of expansion. Thus matter formation would mark the end of a period of where expansion was proceeding supposedly at the speed of light. This is a major event in the expansion profile of an arena. Energy was expanding at supposedly the speed of light until the matter formation threshold was reached, matter formed converting the dark energy to matter, and gravity began within the newly expanding arena.
That dark matter is not expanding at the speed of light according to the ideas I am trying to discuss here. Mass in QWC equals energy in the core particle divided by the speed of light squared and the conversion from energy to matter occurs almost simultaneously across the entire expanding arena.
How efficient is the conversion of dense dark energy into matter? Not 100% because the pre-particles of dark matter would have to be moving away from each other to play the role that I see them playing in the eventual formation of galaxies and the galactic coordinate system that I mentioned in step 2.34.
This brings us full circle to the point where expanding arenas intersect and overlap. Go the step 2.1 which starts at the point where two parent arenas intersect and overlap to give birth to a new arena.
2.1 Arenas begin with the overlap of two expanding arenas that have been expanding in space. A new arena then forms in the space where the overlap occurs and includes the galactic material and energy that occupies that space containing that overlap.
Entropy is defeated by the arena process. The detail steps that make up step 2 of the set of ideas called Quantum Wave Cosmology are preceded by high entropy arenas where mature galaxies are all moving away from each other as entropy increases. If nothing happens to interrupt the expansion or to reverse the progress of entropy, the end result will be “heat death” as all useful energy is consumed.
But in step 2.1 that interruption occurs and as you follow the step by step speculations on through step 2.20 you are introduced to the process of reverse entropy. The burst of the big crunch is the lowest entropy environment in QWC and presents an arena now consisting entirely of useful energy where entropy is just beginning in that particular arena.
Energy cannot be created or destroyed but matter can form from energy and the energy that makes up that matter can be negated back into useful energy according to the step by step speculations of QWC.
The idea is that the events leading to a big crunch and burst are common events across the landscape of the greater universe. One clue to them being common is that they occur with the input of a finite amount of matter and energy, an “arena quantum”. Since it takes two parent arenas to form a new arena, there must be more than one “arena quantum” of energy. Since the two parents themselves had to have formed from two separate arenas each, there is a history of four arenas and four “arena quanta” of energy, and so on leading to the concept of a potentially infinite number of finite arenas across potentially infinite space accommodated by a potentially infinite amount of energy. However, in the introduction to step three the catastrophe of infinite regression is addressed.
III. Step three of QWC: The steps of speculation in the process of quantum action
Note that step 2 above describes the cause of the initial expansion of our observable "universe" (arena), and arena action. Step 3 will describe quantum action which enables mass and gravity. Quantum action is a continuous process with smooth events occurring throughout each action, while there is a quantum interval that separates each action and makes objects that are composed of energy in quantum increments have a particle like quality to the pure wave nature of matter at the quantum level.
Let’s talk about the scale of quantization in QWC. That means we are talking about the scale of arena action vs. quantum action because in QWC, quantization takes place at two levels, one at each end of the energy scale. I refer to arena action as the higher level of order where quantization, the arena quantum, causes big crunches, big bursts, and expanding arenas that characterize the landscape of the greater universe. The amount of energy in an arena quantum is the amount of energy that has to accumulate in a big crunch before that crunch bursts into a big expanding spherical ball of energy equivalent to our whole observable Big Bang universe. Actually our “universe” is only an arena in the landscape of the greater universe. Our arena is expanding into the low energy density space that surrounds it. That demotes our observable universe to a mere arena in the landscape of the greater universe which is composed of multiple arenas that expand and overlap.
I refer to quantum action at the lower level of order where quantization, the tiny quantum, causes the presence of mass and gravity.
Because I mention that quantization takes place at both levels, there is some room for confusion about what I call a quantum of energy in QWC. First, it has nothing to do with photons and the energy packets or quanta that enter the picture with electromagnetic radiation. There is no EM produced by quantization at either level of order in QWC. Quantization simply accounts for mass, gravity, and the defeat of entropy.
In QWC, when talking about mass and gravity we are talking about the tiny quantum, the lower level of order, the level where mass is composed of tiny quantized energy increments. On the other hand, when talking about our observable expanding universe (arena) we are talking about the large quantum, the higher level of order, and the level where the landscape of the greater universe is characterized by large quantized energy increments called arenas responsible for defeating entropy on a grand scale.
Generally when I speak of a quantum increment I am referring to the lower level and when I speak of an arena quantum it is the higher level.
When characterizing quantum action I define the tiny quantum as the energy equivalent of a collapse of energy into a tiny crunch called a high density spot that bounces into an expanding quantum wave of energy.
So the purpose of this post is to put the relative scale of quantum action and arena action into perspective in preparation to discuss QWC gravity. The amount of energy in a quantum at the quantum level of order is tiny and we don’t know how tiny but it is discussed from the perspective that there might be billions of them in the smallest particle at its lowest energy (they are not strings though, they are quantized energy increments). For perspective maybe there are a trillion of them in a single proton. In QWC any particle with mass is composed of these tiny quantum energy increments that are produced by quantum action.
Quantization of energy into quantum increments allows for the accumulation of energy quanta because they have mass and gravity and therefore they clump together to from stable particles that we can observe. Particle formation is one of the effects of quantum action. Quantum action then is the “continual process” that is going on within particles that “maintains the physical presence of mass”, “causes gravity”, and “produces quantum waves” that “expand spherically”.
Therefore quantum action involves “a continual process”.
It “maintains the physical presence” of mass during the ongoing process.
The process produces both “mass and gravity” at the same time.
The process produces “spherically expanding quantum waves”.
I’ll discuss quantum action from the perspective of the “continual process” in this post.
The “continual process” means that it is a perpetual process of self replication of energy quanta, but there is a caution. Don’t picture an energy quantum sitting inside a particle just continually pulsing between mass and gravity. That is not the case. The continual process involves a continual energy sharing between quanta during quantum-action events.
The scale perspective is that the energy quantum is so tiny that perhaps billions of them are at work participating in the ongoing process within a particle of mass to maintain that particles presence at all times. Picture the energy quanta participating in a jostling vibrant effect where tiny crunches form high density spots within mass and “burst” into expanding spherical energy waves only to immediately have their individual expansion event interrupted by intersecting and overlapping with their neighboring energy quanta that are also bursting out of tiny high density spots into spherical expansion.
The sharing of energy that I mentioned above occurs as a result of that intersection and overlap of spherically expanding quantum waves. As the waves overlap, the space that encompasses the overlap of the intersecting spherical quantum waves is special. What makes it special is that the energy density in the overlap is higher than the energy density of the two individual quantum waves that are converging. They share their energy in the overlap space. In the very immediate future, that sharing will result in a new quantum-action event.
That space is also special because the energy caught up in the overlap has expansion momentum that was imparted to it by the initial expansion event (the bounce as described below) and equalization potential that is a characteristic of energy. The burst (or bounce as I will call it below) imparts expansion momentum to the spherical wave. The energy in the wave would expand forever if it wasn't interrupted but due to the close proximity of billions of these events within a particle the expansion is continually interrupted by intersection and overlap.
With expansion momentum interrupted, the tendency of energy to equalize its density across its environment takes effect. The thing that makes the overlap space special is that its density is a multiple of the number of intersecting and overlapping waves. The energy density is twice as high in the overlap space as it is in any two individual intersecting waves and is continually equalized across the overlap space. As the overlap proceeds the amount of energy in the overlap space increases but always remains equalized across the entire overlap.
Definition of an energy density environment: It is worth noting here that the overlap space is a tiny individual energy density environment. An energy density environment is any patch of space where equalization potential of energy is in effect across the entire contiguous space. This space has a boundary that is marked out by the intersection and the advance of the overlap. The high density space inside the overlap is bounded by (surrounded by) lower energy density environments that are also equalized across the particular space that they occupy.
Definition of bounce: “Burst” was used above to describe what happens during the process of quantum action immediately following the stage where the quantum of energy collapses into a tiny crunch. The tiny crunch becomes a high density spot at the moment that the maximum energy density of the tiny crunch is achieved. I used the word “burst” instead of “bounce” because I recently have described “arena action” that takes place at the opposite end of the scale and perpetuates arenas throughout the landscape of the greater universe. Arenas burst into expansion but tiny crunches “bounce” into expansion. Aside from scale, that is one of the major distinctions between quantum action and arena action. The bounce occurs during quantum action because there is a maximum limit to which energy density can be compressed during collapse. During quantum action, that limit is reached at the moment that the collapse produces the high density spot. The energy cannot be further compressed but the “collapse momentum” of the energy in the overlap space is dissipated by the collapse switching to a bounce off of the limit of maximum energy density. The spherically expanding quantum wave is the result of the bounce off of the natural limit of maximum energy density.
So the continual process of quantum action has a start point. Any stage in the process can be thought of as a start point but for this post the start point is the collapse of energy in the overlap space. The collapse occurs when the differential between the energy density in the overlap and the energy density of the surrounding environment reaches a threshold. The expansion momentum of the portion of the converging waves caught up in the overlap has been interrupted, the energy density in the overlap space remains equalized as the overlap grows, and the differential between the energy density in the overlap environment and the surrounding environment has reached a threshold.
That threshold occurs when a quantum of energy is finally accumulated within the overlap space. The source of that particular quantum of energy is the various quantum waves that are overlapping and feeding energy to the overlap space. So they share their energy as they feed the overlap space and when a quantum of shared energy accumulates the threshold of energy density differential is reached and the collapse begins.
What causes the collapse? It is in the differential between the energy density of the overlap and the energy density surrounding the overlap. As I said, quantum action is based on energy density of the environment. I just described the overlap as an energy density environment, but now I am talking about the next larger energy density environment, the particle environment. The energy quanta that make up the particle became clumped together until stability was achieved. A stable particle perpetuates itself because a stable configuration of energy quanta is limited to a finite number of quanta and not one more or one less quantum can achieve that stability. Different stable particles exist because different configurations of quanta are possible depending on the energy density of the environment in which they form. When particles form from quantum energy increments they create a new and larger energy environment where the density of the quanta within that particle is equalized across the entire particle (for each quanta at each respective stage of quantum action).
QWC addresses the formation of particles of dark matter during arena expansion when an energy density threshold is reached (step 2 above). Dark matter amounts to individual energy quanta that are formed at the energy density threshold. The threshold is the quantization threshold of energy density that is reached at a point during arena expansion as the energy density decreases evenly across the arena. As stated in previous QWC posts, when the energy density of the arena declines to the quantization threshold, dark matter, quantized energy increments form simultaneously across the entire expanse of the arena.
Those quanta proceed to clump into stable configurations to form particles with mass that are the subject of the standard particle model of particle physics. Particle charges and forces that ensue are independent of quantum action and therefore are independent of the cause of mass and gravity.
At the quantum level, stable particles form and the types of particles that form are determined by the energy density of the environment in which they form. Within the particles that form the continual process of quantum action is ongoing. The stable configurations of energy quanta persist while unstable configurations either combine further to form stable particles or they can’t maintain their own presence and the quanta are captured elsewhere in the particle formation process as the energy density continues to decrease evenly across the arena.
(end of post)
Then I posted this about quantum foam (spacetime foam):
In that last post do you think I am talking about quantum foam or what is sometimes referred to as [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_foam]spacetime foam[/url]? I’m not. In Quantum Mechanics the quantum foam is the point of uncertainty at the foundation of the fabric of spacetime. [url=http://www.astronomycafe.net/qadir/ask/a11792.html] It is a view of what spacetime looks like at the Planck Scale of 10^-33 centimeters and 10^-43 seconds as proposed by Nobel physicist John Wheeler. “Einstein's general theory of relativity requires that gravitational fields and space-time be one and the same mathematical objects, this means that space-time itself is also subject to the kinds of uncertainty required by quantum systems.” Gravity in QWC does not invoke spacetime. Motion of mass in QWC is mechanical.
In QWC, in place of the uncertainty at the point of correspondence between the gravitational field and the mathematical fabric of spacetime we employ the process of quantum action. Quantum action establishes the correspondence between QWC mass and gravity, i.e. it establishes and maintains the inertial connection.
In quantum action there is no random “popping” in and out of virtual particles at the foamy fundamental level of spacetime as you would expect from spacetime quantum foam. In place of those uncertain virtual particles there are tiny quantized crunches that bounce into spherically expanding quantum waves that then intersect and collapse into tiny crunches again, over and over to maintain the presence of mass and to exert gravity.
I don’t call those events tiny black holes, but I call them the high density spot phase in the process of quantization. The energy density of these tiny crunches never reaches infinity due to the natural maximum limit that energy density can achieve and it is that limit that triggers the bounce of quantum action before infinite density is reached.
(end of post)
OK, to get back to the blog.
I left off addressing the following statement from a short list of statements, “Therefore quantum action involves a [i]continual process[/i]”, and explained what I meant by “continual process”. As a refresher here is the paragraph from which the short list was extracted and the list itself:
Quantization of energy into quantum increments allows for the accumulation of energy quanta because they have mass and gravity and therefore they clump together to from stable particles that we can observe. Particle formation is one of the effects of quantum action. Quantum action then is the “continual process” that is going on within particles that “maintains the physical presence of mass”, “causes gravity”, and “produces quantum waves” that “expand spherically”.
Therefore quantum action involves “a continual process”.
It “maintains the physical presence” of mass during the ongoing process.
The process produces both “mass and gravity” at the same time.
The process produces “spherically expanding quantum waves”.
The next statement on the list is, “ It (quantum action) [i]maintains the physical presence[/i] of mass during the ongoing process”.
Let me explain the difference between mass in spacetime vs. mass in QWC. In GR (spacetime) the inertial connection between objects with mass is the effect that mass has on spacetime, i.e. the presence of mass curves spacetime. Mass is composed of fundamental particles. “Fundamental” in terms of particle physics means they don’t demonstrate internal composition and the theory says that [url= http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/lab-info/quark.html] “in the Standard Model (of Particle Physics) the forces are communicated between particles by the exchange of quanta which behave like particles.” [/url] The force missing in the standard particle model is gravity and the missing particle is the graviton.
In QWC there is no missing graviton because the internal composition of particles with mass is a continual process of quantum action which emits waves that describe the presence of the mass that emanates them. As the waves expand out of and away from mass the volume of space encompassed increases rapidly and the energy density of the waves declines rapidly. These waves fill all space and the energy density of any point in space is the sum of the energy density of all of the individual waves that have ever traversed that point, though obviously the energy density of each wave is rapidly declining and so the contribution of an individual wave at a point in space is infinitesimal. The sum of the energy density of trillions upon trillions of these waves at a point in space determines the energy density at that point in space.
The physical presence of mass in QWC is not just a physical particle that is connected to the rest of the world by the exchange of quanta that act like particles as described in the standard model. The physical particle itself, the leptons and quarks, are buzzing little bodies internally as the continual process of quantum action within them maintains their presence and establishes their inertial connection to other objects, replacing spacetime. More on that in the next posts as I go down the short list.
But as for maintaining the physical presence of a particle with mass, in QWC the fundamental particles are composed of energy quanta and so a fundamental particle does have internal composition. Every fundamental particle of the same type and energy level is composed of the same number of internal quanta. The physical presence of mass is continually being refreshed because for every quantum within a particle there is one quantum action per quantum period. A quantum period is the length of time it takes for one quantum action to occur. Supposing billions of quanta within a quark and three coupled quarks in a proton, the duration of one quantum action is brief and there may be billions of quantum actions taking place for each quantum every second.
The thing about quantum action that maintains the presence of mass is that there is a quantum collapse during each quantum action for each quantum within the fundamental particle. That collapse establishes the presence of mass because the collapse refocuses the energy of the quantum into a high density spot within the mass. The mass can be thought of as the accumulation of the high density spots produced by each quantum action for each quantum increment that makes up the particle.
Each collapse bounces into expansion and the spherically expanding wave that is produced by the bounce provides the potential energy for subsequent quantum action within the mass thus perpetuating the “continual process” and “maintaining the presence of the mass” as a continually refreshing set of high density spots. As mentioned above, mass also emits these waves and the portion of each wave that is not captured in subsequent quantum action within the mass is emitted as a low energy density spherically expanding wave. These emitted waves fill all space. The energy that leaves the mass in the form of these waves is replaced by the mass from the waves arriving at the mass from other mass.
(end of post)
Subject paragraph and list:
Quantization of energy into quantum increments allows for the accumulation of energy quanta because they have mass and gravity and therefore they clump together to from stable particles that we can observe and study.
Particle formation is one of the effects of quantum action. Quantum action then is the “continual process” that is going on within particles that “maintains the physical presence of mass”, “causes gravity”, and “produces quantum waves” that “expand spherically”.
Therefore quantum action involves “a continual process”.
It “maintains the physical presence” of mass during the ongoing process.
The process produces both “mass and gravity” at the same time.
The process produces “spherically expanding quantum waves”.
To this point, the posts about the "continual process" and the "maintenance of the presence of mass" have covered the stages of quantum action from the intersection and overlap of quantum waves within mass, the collapse of the energy in the overlap space to produce a high density spot that contains one quantum of energy, the bounce of that spot into spherical expansion, and I discussed how those expanding spherical waves intersect and overlap to achieve perpetuation of the process thus maintaining the presence of mass. Mass can be thought of as an ever refreshing set of quantized high density spots that are perpetuated by the ongoing process of quantum action.
Next, to address the statement, "The process produces both [i]mass and gravity[/i] at the same time".
With the presence of mass maintained as a set of continually refreshing high density spots, and realizing that the spot phase of quantum action occurs once during every period of quantum action for every quantum within the mass, the missing explanation is how that produces gravity.
Since mass can be thought of as the high density spot phase, then gravity can be thought of as the period of collapse leading to the high density spot.
Let me describe the collapse in more detail. Space and energy are two different things but all space is filled with energy and each point in space has a level of energy density that is continually fluctuating as quantum waves traverse that point. This is true both within mass and at all points in space that surround mass. But within mass, the energy density is high enough to trigger quantum action, and the collapse phase of quantum action causes gravity.
Energy is collapsing from the shape and volume of the overlap down to the shape and volume of the high density spot, i.e. the tiny crunch. Space does nothing but as energy collapses it occupies less space. At the arena level the collapse is due to gravity, and at the quantum level the collapse is a natural part of quantization.*
*Speculation upon speculation at this point in QWC suggests that the quantum collapse is due to energy density perturbations (sub-quanta) that act like tiny hints of mass below the quantum level. These perturbations are thought to occupy all space at the sub-quanta level as the result of a perpetual history of intersecting waves whose overlaps are below the energy density threshold for quantization, i.e. overlaps that do not accumulate the quantum of energy necessary to trigger their own collapse.
When quantum collapse occurs, everything in the universe is tugged toward the center of collapse which turns out to be the subsequent high density spot that forms at the termination of collapse. The space vacated by the energy participating in the quantum collapse is simultaneously filled with energy that was surrounding the overlap space. That energy fills the void until the high density spot forms and bounces. Every collapse that occurs has an infinite reach because it is transmitted, presumably* at the speed of light, across the entire universe (which is infinite).
*The reason that I say "presumably" is because gravity is not dependent on EM and exists even if EM doesn't, as in the phase of matter formation in an arena when only dark matter exists in the arena.
Definition of void in QWC: All space always contains some level of energy density. Energy immediately responds to changes in energy density surrounding it by equalization described as follows: If the change surrounding a given patch of energy density is of higher energy density then the energy density of our patch will increase and the energy density of the higher surrounding space will decrease and this will continue until the energy density is equalized or until the equalization process is interrupted by another change to the energy density of the surrounding space. The term "void" refers to an energy density differential between two adjoining patches of space with differing levels of energy density. Partial void is always more correct. The lower energy density acts as a void and the potential of the void is determined by the volume and energy density differential. There are no total voids in QWC but partial voids occur at all points in space when that point is surrounded or adjoined by a patch of space containing lower energy density.
[end of post]
[next post]From the Maple Pavilion on the salt marsh at Upper Tampa Bay Park:
But gravity means nothing if there is nothing to be effected by it and so the explanation of gravity in QWC requires an explanation of how various objects know the mass and location of each other. It is this inertial connection that completes the process of gravity in QWC and that replaces the fabric of spacetime of General Relativity.
The collapse phase of quantum action pulls energy from the surrounding energy density of space, whether that space is within mass or surrounding mass. The energy density of the energy pulled in tells the receiving mass about the source of the waves that supplied the energy being pulled in. The receiving mass is also an emanating mass, and the net gravity wave (sum of the emanating quantum waves) broadcasts the location and mass of the source object.
Further explanation is needed to answer two questions. How does the mass work as a unit when obviously some quanta near the surface of the mass will provide and receive energy to the surrounding space, while those quanta deep inside the mass may provide and directly receive only a tiny amount of their energy to the outside because most of their renewal energy comes from the space immediately surrounding them within the particle. Also, the second question that has to be answered is how does mass tell or know the other mass' location and remote mass, i.e. how is the path that mass takes through space determined by this flow of quantum wave energy into mass.
The first question is answered by the nature of energy to equalize its density across its environment. In the case of a particle with mass, equalization causes the energy density across the entire particle to be equalized at all times within the particle (as stipulated above, i.e. , for each quanta at each respective stage of quantum action) so the energy density near the surface is always the same as the energy density deep inside the particle. This allows for the gravity emanation to be equalized as it leaves the mass and enables it to broadcast the precise same information in all directions.
The answer to the second question is more complicated. The energy density of the net of the quantum waves emanating from the mass is equal at all points surrounding the mass. The energy density in the space surrounding mass is different at every point as determined by the sum of all of the quantum waves that have ever traversed that point in space, i.e. as a result of the gravity waves reaching it from all remote objects. Since the equalization process that takes place internal to mass makes this net emanation equal in all directions, there is a means that allows the mass to distinguish the energy density differential arriving to it from all directions. The incoming fluctuations are no obliterated but are attenuated.
The path that mass takes through the space surrounding it is determined by the path of lowest energy density.
The larger the mass of an object, the lower the energy density of the net quantum wave emanating from it.*
*Mass has very high energy density and the surrounding space has very low energy density, but the surrounding space also has a different energy density at all points as determined by the expanded gravity waves from remote objects that have crossed each point in space. By constantly pulling this renewal energy in during the collapse phase of each quantum action, the mass tries to pull an equal amount of energy from all directions since the energy density is equalized within the mass. In so doing it moves toward the path of lowest energy density as it tries to fulfill its needs from that direction, i.e. it moves in the direction from which it is most difficult to draw an equal ration of energy from the arriving gravity waves. Eureka, you have the cause of gravity in Quantum Wave Cosmology.
(end of post)
(new post from the Maple Pavilion)
Mass moves; that is all there is too it. Place a mass anywhere and it will move in a specific predetermined path based on the imprint left in space by the gravity emanations of all other objects of mass. The entire mass of an object is refreshed once each quantum period* from energy that has been emitted by surrounding mass. During each quantum period the entire energy content of the mass is forced out of the space occupied by the mass at the same time as the replacement energy is pulled into the space occupied by the mass. That is what quantum action does. This is a 100% exchange of energy every quantum period and yet the presence of the mass is maintained.
*A quantum period is the length of time it takes for every quantum in an object to perform one quantum action.
But note that with each refresh of the mass, the location of the mass has changed. My last post described how the new location is determined. The mass moved toward the path of lowest energy density in the surrounding space because it tried to draw in replacement energy equally from all directions. It easily filled its energy needs from the high energy density paths but was forced to move in the direction of the lowest energy density path to fulfill its energy replacement needs.
(end of post)
(New post, Maple Pavilion, 11/10/2009)
In spacetime at the quantum level you have the quantum foam which seems to be impossible to quantify because of the uncertainty as to the location and momentum of the particles that constitute the mass in that infinitesimal realm. That uncertainty is not resolved but is accounted for and dealt with by the wave function in quantum mechanics but is not resolved or accounted for in General Relativity.
QWC resolves the uncertainty and does away with the need for spacetime.*
*Use of the word “resolves” is applied “in context” to mean that if you follow the steps of QWC from the beginning to the point where mass and gravity are caused, there is an explanation for gravity. That explanation is in the form of a physical picture in QWC that “resolves” the uncertainty that blocks an understanding of the cause of gravity in GR, i.e. in that context QWC does away with the need for spacetime at the point where spacetime becomes quantum foam with only uncertainty and the probability function to provide the as yet unresolved mathematical path to quantum gravity. I’m saying that spacetime does not work to provide a realistic correspondence between reality and math when it come to how gravity works. I accept the science of the EFEs above the quantum level but IMHO, the cause of mass and gravity in QWC present a physical picture of the reality where spacetime fails.
“Could the universe have always existed”? My answer is yes and QWC picks up there. You don’t have to answer yes to the question to follow and understand QWC in context, but if you answer “no” then why bother with QWC at all. QWC is fantasy if the universe had a beginning.
In QWC mass moves as a result of quantum action which effectively works in a pumping fashion to force energy out of the space occupied by the mass when the high density spots bounce into expansion, and by pulling energy into the space occupied by the mass as quantum collapse occurs which focuses energy back into new high density spots. The high density spot phase of quantum action causes mass to have a momentary location in space, and the bounce phase of quantum action converts that energy into a wave that emerges from that location and allows mass to move. Figuratively, the high density spots cause mass to have location and the quantum waves allow mass to have momentum. A single quantum of energy constitutes a quantum increment of matter which is either in a location in space or is expanding spherically to intersect and overlap with other quanta to be refocused as a high density spot in a slightly changed location.
(end of post)
IV. Time in QWC
V. Step four of QWC: Aether, Mass, and Gravity in QWC
The following thread and statements from related threads will be put into the QWC step-by-step format as this document evolves:
Dark matter in QWC terms:
Dark matter forms anew in every newly expanding arena when the expansion lowers the energy density of the expanding dense dark energy to the point where abundant matter formation occurs simultaneously across the entire arena.
Why simultaneously across the entire arena?
Why is it “dark”?
What is it made of?
Why does it lurk in and around galaxies more that intergalactic space?
Why simultaneously? It occurs simultaneously because the energy density across the entire arena during the early expansion is always equalized across the entire arena due to the nature of the energy commodity to equalize its density within any given space. Equalization occurs at or near the speed of light IMHO.
More on energy density equalization is contained in my various threads and it is a huge topic in QWC. One point worth mentioning here is that when the big crunch is mature and ready to burst it has a core of “dense state” energy which has a primary characteristic (aside from the fact that it is the prime example of the energy commodity itself) called expansion potential. It is confined within the compression of the outer crunch surrounding it until that outer containment is defeated by the expansion potential releasing the ball of dense dark energy into expansion.
Why is it “dark”? It is dark because it does not emit electromagnetic radiation. The emission of EM begins after the formation of charged particles. Photons exist throughout the arena from the CMBR but they are not emitted from within the arena during the dark matter formation period.
What is it made of? Dark matter is made of the dark energy when expansion has lowered the energy density to the threshold of abundant matter formation. By that time the arena contains both dark energy and the constituents of the energy background that I mentioned in the last post, i.e. EM from the CMB, dark matter from a history of arenas that have played out, old cold remnants of galactic material that didn’t get captured in the local crunch, etc. When the right energy density is achieved, the mix of dark energy and the constituents of the energy background, and the proper level of energy density all contribute to the dark matter that forms almost simultaneously across the entire arena.
Why does it lurk in and around galaxies more that intergalactic space? It lurks like that because it emits and feels gravity. After the entire arena becomes a sea of dark matter, the process of matter formation moves to building the fundamental particles that make up the Particle Model. Those particles with mass are composed of dark matter which is incorporated in the particle formation process and which is described in mainstream science as particle physics.
There is an evolution of structure in the arena that begins with the formation of dark matter, moves to particle formation and particle structure, hydrogen and early atoms, accumulation of hydrogen and early particles into huge fast burning stars, exploding stars a period of thermalization, and the emergence of galactic structure. There are probably big differences between BBT and QWC during this process but QWC accepts the consensus to the point that it is supported by observation and data.
VI. Life in the QWC universe
I don't think life requires fine tuning. My view of life in the universe is that life originates (on a planet) based on physics and chemistry when conditions are hospitable. Life could form across the universe here and there when the proper conditions come together. There could be many different sets of conditions from which many different varieties of life could emerge. Life could emerge given a wide range of possible physics, and the nature of life forms could be completely different from one set of circumstances to another.
Given that view, life emerged on the early lifeless planet Earth as it could have on innumerable planets. The planet afforded a variety of hospital environments for life and life itself is “generative” meaning that given enough time and the right combinations of chemistry and environment life can emerge and get a foothold. In the same view, life is also “evolvative” and once it gets a foothold in a hospitable environment it flourishes and branches out into many forms, many species, etc. to take advantage of every nook and cranny of the hospitable planet. It also adapts to changes in the environment as well.
The presence of life on Earth would be characterized by phases starting with the potential for life, the emergence of life, the flourishing of life to all the hospitable environments on the planet, and the eventual decline of life as the necessary resources are used up or as extenuating circumstance reign in the living community.
In QWC, our arena is one of a potentially infinite number of arenas across the landscape of the greater universe. With life being generative and evolvative, there is no reason not to expect life to be abundant in every arena and as such, life would be prevalent across the entire infinite cosmic landscape.
A few words about infinities in a QWC universe are in order. Space is potentially infinite. Energy is potentially infinite. Time is potentially infinite. The QWC universe has always existed and is characterized by those infinities. So I conclude that life as always existed. It comes and goes, emerges and dies out, takes almost unimaginable forms, and from time to time it masters technologies that enable it to outlive the planet of its origin.
I am adding life as one of the infinities of QWC. Life forms have always existed and are continually emerging and evolving across the infinite universe.
My direction in discussing life is a look at it in terms of possibilities for life forms to have lengthy heritages, i.e. that can survive the ultimate catastrophes that can plague a planetary system. Let’s focus first on a life form that has the intelligence, resources and time to become technologically advanced enough to develop sustainable moon or other-planet life colonies. We think off the top about our moon or Mars I suppose but that is not the focus I am talking about. Those would be steps toward the survival of an intelligent life form beyond the period of time that their home planet could support their life form, i.e. to survive the catastrophes of “end of Earth” scenarios as opposed to “end of Sun” or solar system scenarios. I am talking about surviving the catastrophe of the end of the Sun scenarios.
We may have five or six billion years to achieve success if it depends on the life of the sun, but as for the duration of Humanity on Earth, time might already be a factor in achieving success.
What would mankind have to be like in time to undertake such an exodus? Would we first have to value our life form as a worthwhile cause for attempting its survival? Would we have to take seriously the ability of any intelligent life form to survey and colonize a planet revolving around another star that has sufficient capacity to sustain that planet and our life form for more billions of years? Would we have to become a unified life form that avoids internal warring, overcomes the problems of basic human needs of comfort, health, and education so we could unite on survival of Humanity?
In QWC it is certain that there have been such successful life forms because of the infinities. But in any given galaxy within any given arena, it is not certain at all. I’d speculate that the chances of survival go up dramatically with advances in technology and go down when the physical and human resources of the planet are spent on unnecessary warring and controlling humanity.
So before humanity can contemplate success in survival lasting past the death of our star we must evolve enough to put aside our differences. Do we do that peacefully or must one ideology win outright. The answer is that it will not work unless it is done peacefully through compromise and consensus because no outright warring victory has ever been sustainable and the resources spent to achieve it and sustain it will be to great to enable the survival goal to take shape.
VII. Philosophy of QWC
The philosophy of Quantum Wave Cosmology is that the universe is an eternal sameness of endlessly changing energy density across infinite and infinitesimal space and time where limits and thresholds govern processes that assure the perpetual existence of intelligent contemplative individuals among which are those who suspect and seek confirmation of an eternal transcendent immanence* through faith and trust that acknowledgment can be abundantly received and through which individual purpose can emerge from humble contemplation and meditation on the nature of being done with the conviction that the universe is as it should be and could be no other way.
*A universal and eternal sum of all energy that manifests in all aspects of the physical universe and transcends to the realm of self-aware and ever changing energy density that perpetually occupies all space and that maintains one connected conscious eternal presence in nature from which individuals can seek acknowledgment and with which they can seek oneness.
“ | Originally Posted by Neverfly | ” |
Maybe this phrase was the start of the big words used improperly so as to come out as gibberish in your view: "an eternal sameness of endlessly changing energy density"?
"An eternal sameness of endlessly changing energy density" is right from my various threads about Quantum Wave Cosmology. "Eternal" refers to one of the axioms of QWC, i.e. the universe has always existed. I start with that assumption as part of my personal view. I can't prove it and you can't prove otherwise. It is a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but considered to be either self-evident, or at least subject to necessary decision, a starting point for my speculations.
"Eternal sameness" refers to the characteristic of an eternal universe that operates through repeated processes, the natural laws of physics. Keep in mind that in QWC the universe is greater than the known observable expanding universe of Big Bang Theory. The QWC universe is composed of a potentially infinite landscape of arenas and processes in which our known expanding universe equates to a single active arena.
The "sameness" refers to the invariant laws of nature and in QWC I speculate from the basis that the physics are the same across all arenas. Those of you familiar with QWC know that I view each arena to be the result of the intersection and overlap of "parent" arenas where gravity over takes expansion to cause galactic matter to collapse and so big crunches result from the overlap of two arenas. I speculate that our expanding arena was preceded by a big crunch.
"Endlessly changing energy density" is a reference to the speculation that the universe is composed of energy. Energy can be quantized and unquantized. Matter, the physical "stuff" of the universe is composed of energy in quantum increments and quantization of energy is one of the processes that I speculate about in my threads about QWC. Quantized energy exists within a range of energy density and so the reference to "changing energy density". If the energy density of matter changes too much, the matter ceases to function and is negated to unquantized energy. That occurs under the heat and pressure of a big crunch.
So the phrase, "an eternal sameness of endlessly changing energy density", isn't really big words misapplied, and I hope that I have been able to resolve some the "gibberish" by this explanation.
“ | If you're speculating responsibly, you should be examining how to account for observation- not just dismissing it offhand. | ” |
What am I dismissing off hand?
“ | Gravity is overwhelming against expansion. This is why expansion can only be observed in the large spaces between galaxies and galactic clusters. | ” |
Energy has always existed and is infinite in amount as a given in QWC. Matter is composed of energy in quantum increments.
“ | Ok. | ” |
You did but I didn't really expect that my OP would cover my philosophy in 100 words.
“ | In the meantime, it's good to see ya. Kinda like running into your old college friend/rival at a bar trying to mack on the same girl or something. | ” |
I wasn't intending this thread to be a rehashing of QWC; that is all on the record in my other threads. This thread marks my departure from presenting QWC and represents my move into my view of philosophy. You have two years of threads to catch up on but I would say don't bother knowing now that you are not open to speculation that goes beyond the standard cosmology. That is all QWC is, speculation that starts where the standard cosmology leaves off.
I agree that the OP was gibberish; and on top of that you are not familiar with the other threads where I have discussed the cosmology. In the shortest possible recap, this is about the philosophy of a universe that has always existed, is infinite in space, time and energy, where entropy is defeated by perpetual processes that maintain the potentially infinite arena landscape on a grand scale, and that establish the presence of mass and gravity in the quantum realm, and by defeating entropy the arena landscape is perpetual and therefore it provides a potentially infinite number of hospitable environments where life is generated by an iterative process and once it gets a foothold it evolves and eventually produces intelligent beings who contemplate the universe . It is not your standard cosmology. There is a philosophical aspect to it that I want to discuss, at least to the extent that I explain the big misused words and gibberish from the OP.
If you want to look at the current status of my write up about QWC (a work in progress at best) you can go here but this thread is about the philosophy that I have purposefully made into one long imponderable sentence of exactly 100 words in the OP as a discussion starter. I have discussed the first part of the 100 words in my last post for you. I'm talking philosophy on this thread and if you want to discuss my view of cosmology we can do that on another thread.
Let's get the use of the word "universe" settled. The universe is everything there is, which includes everything that we observe and anything we can't observe. If you want to refer to the known observable expanding universe, why not either call it our arena as I do in the lexicon of QWC, or refer to it as the extended Hubble volume that includes the observable portion of the universe plus any portion that is casually connected to the Big Bang. Anything that exists that is not connected to the Big Bang is outside of our arena but still part of the universe. Can you live with that?
“ | It appears that you are dismissing things offhand when you refer to the universe as eternal- etc. | ” |
No, I'm not. Like what?
“ | Always existed? | ” |
Yes, that is one of the axioms of QWC. You don't have to like it but if you want to understand the QWC speculations, you have to consider that a basic speculation.
“ | Try using smaller words. Might be able to squeeze more in. | ” |
OK, if will from now on. But point out a few of the words you want me to replace with shorter words .
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How are ghosts and fairies connected to a departure point in the standard cosmology? No way I pay attention to people who can't distinguish between wild or idle fantasy and reasonable and responsible speculation.
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I'll repeat, there is a big difference between fantasy and responsible speculation.
“ | I disagree with this premise. | ” |
OK, thanks. You have just accepted the first 41 words of the 100 word OP gibberish.
The next 14 words are, "among which are those who suspect and seek confirmation of an eternal transcendent immanence". Any of that you think needs to be explained?
“ | Originally Posted by Neverfly | ” |
I'm just saying that I speculate that our Big Bang was preceded by a big crunch and the big crunch was formed when two other arenas expanded until they overlapped. In an infinite universe where the landscape is composed of arenas where the same process is taking place all the time, then there will always be new big crunches forming here and there from the overlap of expanding arenas, that themselves formed the same way prior to that. The intersection and overlap interrupts the expansion momentum of the galaxies in each expanding arena and when the expansion momentum is interrupted gravity takes control and the galactic matter collapses into big crunches.
“ | I'm saying show us how your speculations relate to current observation. | ” |
Our arena is expanding and we observe the expansion. I am speculating that the expansion began with a event 13.7 billion years ago that is now referred to as the Big Bang, but it is not the singularity that the math boils down to in BBT because I speculate that there cannot be infinite energy density. The singularity says that the energy in our expanding arena came from a zero volume point in space, i.e. infinite energy density.
“ | If... | ” |
You mean, "transcendent immanence", . In philosophy those terms are used to describe some essence that is either the entire physical universe, or is separate from the physical universe but also may include the physical universe. The two terms are used in describing religious beliefs but are not exclusive to religion. I use them to address the difference between energy that is quantized and energy that is not. In QWC, matter, the physical "stuff" of the universe is energy that has been quantized, and the energy density of space refers to the energy in the universe that is not quantized. Energy that is quantized can be negated to energy that is not quantized by the process that forms big crunches.
So I use the term "immanence" to refer to the energy that is quantized and that makes up the physical universe at any point in time. But energy cannot be created or destroyed and so the total energy of the universe includes both the physical universe made up of matter and the non-physical universe that is energy density of space. The term "transcendent" in QWC philosophy refers to the speculation in QWC that the processes that perpetuate the physical universe also include phases during with the energy that is physical is negated to energy density of space, and vice versa, i.e. an "eternal transcendent immanence".
This is not a religious transcendence or immanence, but the non religious meaning of the words. QWC replaces the religious connotation with the concept of an eternal universe that utilizes its energy to form matter in arenas and to negate matter so it can be used again in new arenas where habitable environments form in which life is generated. Given those speculations, life and evolved intelligent contemplative individuals would have always existed across infinite space and time and as a result, the contemplation of the universe itself has always existed, i.e. a form of self awareness.
Expansion Momentum Comment: Let me state the issue as being about the relative separation of the galaxies (and galaxy groups). The further they are away from us the faster they are receding from us. And the acceleration that is observed seems to mean that the relative rate of recession from us is increasing.
Obviously we are not talking as if we are at the center of the arena; the effect would be observed from any location within the arena. Everything is moving away from everything else AS IF space was being added. The addition of space would nicely explain why this effect would be true at all points in the arena if it wasn't for the acceleration.
Expansion momentum that was a characteristic of the hot pre-matter plasma soup that existed at the earliest moment of expansion would be imparted to the matter as it formed during expansion of that plasma soup. I call it conservation of expansion momentum that existed from the start and existed right on through galactic formation. Expansion momentum was conserved as galaxies formed.
All I am saying is that the exact same galactic separation that we observe can be explained by space being added OR it can be explained by the conservation of expansion momentum. That is except for the acceleration that we observe.
When you acknowledge that the expansion is accelerating, you then have to contemplate the cause of that additional effect. In scenario one, the addition of space to the arena, you have no directly related cause that would make the addition of space speed up or increase in a way that would accelerate the expansion.
But if you go with scenario two, the explanation for the expansion momentum also answers the acceleration of expansion.
In scenario two you have expansion momentum and gravity right from the very start. They are opposing forces and at very close range back in the early moments after matter formation gravity was very strong relative to expansion momentum. This allowed for clumping that led to fundamental particle formation. As the energy density declined different particles and combinations were enabled leading the the particle mix of the epic that took place before star formation; an extremely heavy preponderance of hydrogen was formed from the plasma soup.
Even though gravity was much stronger in the tiny universe, expansion momentum was still dominant and because of the inverse square rule expansion momentum gained strength relative to the opposing force of gravity. Acceleration has been going on since matter first formed which is also the point in time when gravity was first emitted by that newly forming matter.
That same rule accounts for the acceleration of the rate of expansion even after the galaxies have formed and are receding from each other. The further the galaxies get away from each other the inverse square rules says that the effect of gravity will decline vs. the expansion momentum. Expansion momentum is not increasing but the gravitational attraction that has been opposing the expansion from the very start is diminishing. The separation is accelerating and will continue to accelerate as the gravitational effect approaches zero due to the inverse square rule.
So first let me ask if you agree or disagree on that much.
At this point do you agree or disagree with scenario two, the expansion momentum scenario (where expansion momentum is opposed by the decline in gravity due to the inverse square rule)?
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