Monday, August 11, 2008

Introduction to the Energy Background

Introduction to the Energy Background If you can accept that there is a single fundamental force behind everything, and that is a big IF, then you can accept that at that fundamental level, i.e. the smallest level of order where that force operates, there is a measurable increment of length that is the smallest possible measurable length. On the same basis you can also accept that at that fundamental level there is a smallest increment of time because it is a measure of the shortest possible measurable time. These are not the smallest things or the shortest times, but the smaller things and the shorter times are beyond measurement. In QWC, the point where our ability to measure has reached a limit in the infinitesimal quantum realm is called the fundamental quantum level. We can’t measure at that level yet, but conceptually, to measure below that level would be a greater advancement than the advancement now needed to reach the milestone where we can “observe” and measure at the quantum level. Therefore a quantum of energy in QWC is the tiniest amount of energy that can have any “noticeable” physical impact. If you read that carefully you can see that I anticipate that a level of order smaller than the quantum of energy is necessary in order to support the existence of the quantum level. I acknowledge that fact, and to enable a quantum of energy to exist I refer to the existence of sub-quanta, or fractional amounts of energy whose only ability is to become part of the smallest increment of energy that can have a noticeable or meaningful impact on what we recognize as the physical world. In QWC, anything physical refers to the quantum level of energy and quantum action at that level, while the sub-quanta world operates at a level below that, i.e. quantum wave intersections smaller than the quantum of energy are simply tiny energy density fluctuations too small to be observed and individually too insignificant to be measurable. That sub-quanta world is referred to in QWC as the energy background. The energy background cannot directly affect the physical world; its only role is to support the force that enables the physical world, i.e. the quantum energy increment that contains the quantum of energy and causes quantum action. Quantum action perpetuates the energy density fluctuations that exist in the background. So in QWC, the energy quantum is made up of energy sub-quanta which are wave ripples in the background. Reference to the sub-quanta is a reference to the tiny energy density fluctuations caused by those expanding and intersecting spherical ripples. The sub-quantum level is an intense interaction of energy in infinitesimal increments that would seem chaotic at any point in space at sub-quanta levels, but that has an order to it that makes it homogeneous and isotropic. When a quantum wave appears it is akin to a rogue ocean wave that is made up of a significant number of wavelets. The ocean surface wavelets are the energy background equivalent of sub-quanta “ripples”. Energy density determines the frequency of the quantum waves that appear from the background. Frequency in this sense is the number of occurrences within a given space in a given time and is not exactly the same thing as electromagnetic wave frequency (hf).

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